Sunday 21 October 2018

The seven deadly sins nowadays

Regarding the question from my previous post, you probably still wonder why I am writing about the seven deadly sins, considerating that for ages in the european culture field the origins and the categories of moral evil have been under detailed examination.

Because our time declassified them from the category of sin.

That is why we tend to say about a gluttonous person that he/she "has a good relationship with food";
about a lustful man that he "has a soft spot for women";
about a superb one that he/she "is proud and has a good self-awareness";
about a wrathful that he/she "has a character";
about a lazy person that he/she "does not let himself/herself be overwhelmed by the stressful pace of modern live";
about a jealous person that he/she "is just competitive, inclined to emulate";
and finally about a stingy one that he/she "is cautious and parsimonious".

Since time immemorial the experience of sin marks the existence of human beings. Thus, over time, we constantly disregard these trangressions and we do not even realize how serious the situation is.

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